Our Grow Your Own Microgreens Salad Mix Kit is one of our all-time best sellers! And for good reason.... it brings together some amazing miniature vegetable greens that are a delicious addition to any salad or meal (like Peas, Fava Beans, Buckwheat, and Sunflower Shoots) and it's flavour profile is incredible :)
You've germinated your seeds and they've grown into a luscious forest of microgreens. Congratulations! Now what? Harvesting your microgreens effectively and at the right time plays an important part in maintaining a healthy and tasty microgreen batch. Check out our tips on how to best harvest and store your microgreens!
For the human digestive system to be able to access the nutrients, Wheatgrass must be juiced or otherwise broken down.
Wheatgrass juice can be purchased fresh or frozen, but if you're consuming large quantities of it every day, that can quickly become very expensive. We breakdown how to easily and affordably juice wheatgrass at home—without a juicer!